Episode 199

Published on:

14th Jun 2024

Are You Leaving Your Clients at the Border?

In this episode, I delve into the importance of guiding clients through a program effectively, and discuss the three phases of onboarding - activate, acclimate, and accomplish - and highlight the crucial role onboarding plays in setting clients up for success.

Emphasizing the need to support clients through a process that leads to tangible results, I stress the significance of the onboarding phase in building trust, satisfaction, and referrals. This one delivers with practical tips on assessing client satisfaction, seeking referrals, and enhancing the client experience to drive business growth and longevity.

Join me in reflecting on client engagement strategies and making adjustments for better outcomes and sustained success.


12:17 Leaving People at the Border vs. Walking Them Through

14:48 Leading Clients Through the Process to Prevent Stagnation

23:20 Roadmap for Successful Onboarding

24:40 The Accomplish Phase: Tracking Results and Client Satisfaction

26:00 Importance of Onboarding for Long-term Client Retention

Learn More and REGISTER for the CLIENT SUCCESS SUMMIT LIVE happening October 2024

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About the Podcast

Built to Last
Honest Conversations About Marriage, Motherhood and Business
Ever wanted to hear how powerful women leaders are building their legacy businesses while also balancing marriage and motherhood all done in a fulfilling, joyful, and sustainable way? That’s exactly what Megan and her guests will do. Life can be overwhelming and the day-to-day roles and responsibilities can leave you wondering if you’ve got what it takes to build your dreams.
Tune in each week to learn from Megan Huber, a former high school teacher and Director of Programs for an international coaching company turned business growth consultant and leadership mentor for women entrepreneurs building world-changing empires.
In each episode, Megan will give you the permission, motivation, and tips & tools to step into the role of CEO of your legacy business while also navigating life as a happy wife and Mom.
She’ll also be interviewing powerful women leaders and entrepreneurs to give listeners an inside scoop into what it really looks like to build a business while living a life truly aligned with your family and overall life values.