Episode 24

Published on:

24th Dec 2021

Risk, Responsibility and Reputation to Reach Your Full Potential

No matter what phase of business development or financial level you’ve reached in your business, you can always count on simplicity and going back to the basics to help you WIN in any season.

In a recent coaching conversation I was having with a few clients, we were discussing the fact that consistency is the external representation of internal belief in self and belief in the possibilities that exist for us.

Consistency is what ultimately leads to earning the trust of the type of client you ultimately want to work with at a high level in your business.

And along with consistency being one of the hallmarks of the most successful and credible entrepreneurs in the online space, we are also privy to the 3 R’s which you’ll hear about in this episode:  Responsibility, Risk, and Reputation.

10:07 - why you should look back at your last 90 days

12:12 - systems and why you should have them

13:33 - consistency and what that looks like

24:25 - are you ready for responsibility?

27:07 - what the risk of having your own business looks like

28:34 - your reputation gets around


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About the Podcast

Built to Last
Honest Conversations About Marriage, Motherhood and Business
Ever wanted to hear how powerful women leaders are building their legacy businesses while also balancing marriage and motherhood all done in a fulfilling, joyful, and sustainable way? That’s exactly what Megan and her guests will do. Life can be overwhelming and the day-to-day roles and responsibilities can leave you wondering if you’ve got what it takes to build your dreams.
Tune in each week to learn from Megan Huber, a former high school teacher and Director of Programs for an international coaching company turned business growth consultant and leadership mentor for women entrepreneurs building world-changing empires.
In each episode, Megan will give you the permission, motivation, and tips & tools to step into the role of CEO of your legacy business while also navigating life as a happy wife and Mom.
She’ll also be interviewing powerful women leaders and entrepreneurs to give listeners an inside scoop into what it really looks like to build a business while living a life truly aligned with your family and overall life values.